Policy & Legislative Priorities

Policy and legislative priorities are adopted by Delegates elected at the County Farm Bureau Annual Meetings in the Fall each year. These delegates discuss and adopt policies surfaced at their County level and adopt them as amended at the Vermont Farm Bureau Annual Meeting on the first weekend in November.

Legislative Priorities 2023

The Vermont Farm Bureau is focusing on topics related to:

  •      ACT 250
  •      Right to Farm Act
  •      Waters of the US
  •      H2A Program 
  •      Climate Change Solutions

Please reach out with any policy related inquiries. vtfb@gmavt.net or 802-434-5646

Legislative priorities that will help keep grow Vermont agriculture,
family farms and forestry:

  • Access to reliable broadband.
  •  Increasing local slaughter and meat processing capacity.
  •  Climate change solutions, including sharing the positive contributions of agriculture and forestry in the sequestration of carbon and natural resource resiliency.
  •  Influencing outcomes regarding Vermont’s recently released 10-year agriculture and food system strategic plan.
  •  Animal husbandry and animal welfare issues
  •  Enhancing the viability of Vermont state universities and colleges, particularly agricultural programs at the Vermont Technical College, the 2 + 2 program.
  •  Limiting the liability of farmers engaged in agritourism.